A conversation on sex, love, and intimacy on Jean Campbell’s @imfinepodcast at The Twenty-Two in London with Dr. Adrienne Loft.
Eighth Annual Recovery Reinvented in Bismarck, North Dakota
On Oct 30th, 2024, Natasha shared her story with 700 people at the Eighth Annual Recovery Reinvented in Bismarck, North Dakota, with hundreds more watching online.
Mind, Body, Healing: Natasha Silver Bell on the Role of Spirituality in Recovery
In the “Mind, Body, Healing” episode, Natasha Silver Bell shares her recovery journey and how it inspired SilverBell Global’s holistic approach to substance use and mental health issues. The discussion stresses breaking generational trauma patterns and maintaining work-life balance in recovery.

Spears: The ‘elephant in the room’: experts tackle HNW mental health and wellbeing issues
SilverBell Global is known for its exceptional commitment to discreet healing, family support and seamless reintegration care.

Spears: Breaking the cycle of addiction
SilverBell Global is known for its exceptional commitment to discreet healing, family support and seamless reintegration care.

Financial Times: Confessions of the World’s Most Elite Sober Coach
Tony Dominguez learnt how to rescue the rich from the most degraded, reckless moments of their lives – after he saved himself.

Spears - SilverBell Global: a transformative approach to addiction recovery
SilverBell Global is known for its exceptional commitment to discreet healing, family support and seamless reintegration care.

Lux Lifestyle Magazine - The Wound is where the Light Enters
SilverBell Global is known for its exceptional commitment to discreet healing, family support and seamless reintegration care.

The Hot List 2023 - The Hottest Recovery and Transformation Resource
SilverBell Global is known for its exceptional commitment to discreet healing, family support and seamless reintegration care.

Lux Lifestyle Magazine - Meet Natasha Silver Bell
SilverBell Global has been quietly providing private concierge care, crisis management and recovery to clients at all stages of life.

Lux Lifestyle Magazine - October/November
SilverBell Global CEO and founder Natasha Silver Bell is a driving force in transforming the recovery landscape.

Second Chances
Wellington resident Natasha Silver Bell offers coaching and recovery services for those in need.

Conversation Starters for Parents and Kids About Fentanyl and Addiction
The late weeks of summer are bittersweet: Final swims in the lake are cheered by the arrival of autumn apples, and the first glimpses of incendiary fall foliage brighten fading sunburns from beach days past.

KD Hamptons
Certified Life and Recovery Coach Natasha Silver Bell helps clients find and realise their authentic self wherever they are on their life journey.

REACT TO FILM Screening Highlights Prescription Pill Abuse Epidemic By Bettina Zilkha “Prescription drug abuse is the leading killer of our teens now, accidental overdose. 90% of addictions begin in the teenage years. One in six people in the United States is an addict.”

Silverbell Global Coaching
SilverBell Global Coaching Overview. If you could improve one relationship in your life, what would it be? If you could move through your fears, what would change in your life? SilverBell helps you find your authentic self, wherever you are in your journey of life.
Begin your healing journey
Please reach out for a complimentary consultation.